The name of Jimmy Carter essay is “Assault-Gun Ban Should Be Reinstated” where he writes about his thoughts on the Bill towards banning assault-guns. I like his points and he makes me feel as though he is a credible writer because of his experience and practice in hunting he has own collection of guns but his argument is that assault-guns are another level of protection and that it is unnecessary to have them. Although he gets off topic sometimes he gives great points and uses pathos when talking about the 30,000 casualties and many teens who pass away from self inflicted and accident shots by assault-weapons.

Jimmy Carter does a good job in this essay and what I would take away from it and use in my own writing is his uses of pathos and logos. He does a great job in making you feel sad and sorry for all those who have lose their lives and mad when he states that the drug cartel is using American made assault-weapons. I would also use his sense of research you can see he is heavily involved when he tells you about the bills, and statistics towards the wrongs in the use of assault-weapons.